Brunswick Heads - Australia.
Misty morning walk on Brunswick beach. Movement is life, life is rhythm, enjoy the moment each step that you take. #MovementIntelligence...

The Bones for Life "Tantrum" process.
Here you see the students doing the Bones for Life "Tantrum" process in the October Bones for Life training Mullumbimby. #Workshop...

FOLI - There is no movement without rhythm
Original version by Thomas Roebers and Floris Leeuwenberg. Dedicated to the people of Baro. Life has a rhythm and it is constantly...

When The Moment Sings The Muse Within 1996
An interview with Jon-Roar Bjorkvold and John Collins. Rhythm is part of our natural existence, this documentary beautifully shows many...

Vibration and Sound Bypass Resistance
One of the fundamental principles of the Movement Intelligence program is to produce an oscillating vibrational tone through the skeleton....

Movement Intelligence - Solutions Seoul
Students demonstrate in pairs a supported squat to stand. #Trainings #MovementIntelligence #Rhythm #MovementSolutions

The Tiger Walk - learn how move like a tiger in the Movement Intelligence program coming soon to Bri
A student demonstrating The Tiger Walk - Solutions training Seoul 2016. Developing a soft, strong pliable spine is one of the...

Walk for Life with Claudia Bejar
#WalkForLife #Trainings #movement #Posture #Rhythm