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2016 Movement Intelligence Newsletter

Movement Intelligence (M.I.) has five segments that evolved from Ruthy Alon’s “Bones For Life” Program. Now with the Implementation of Chairs, Walk for Life, Mindful Eating and the final increment “Movement Solutions for Dysfunction”.

These courses can be studied as separate modules, as public workshops or within weekly classes. Her brilliant life’s works add an extraordinary insight for professionals or self-inquiry. Please refer to the Oz M.I. website

Australia has two Senior Movement Intelligence Trainers Jennifer Groves and Rangimarie Ferguson. Movement Intelligence Australia has 10 BFL trainers and 26 BFL teachers.

Awareness of “Movement Intelligence” is slowly emerging in our Northern Rivers community. Its outcomes are now being recognized with many Doctors and other health professionals referring after seeing the outcomes. I invite you to come and either refresh and explore the practice of spirals, rhythm, isometric resistance and the BFL wrap as tools of somatic integration.

My commitment to influence peoples’ wellness and grace of movement via Ruthy’s brilliant body of work is unwavering. What this commitment has done for me personally and replicate in so many I’ve worked with, is simply amazing. I have had the gift of assisting Dr Alon’s trainings and taught in Taiwan and Sth Korean to establish M.I. in each of their respective countries. Seoul’s Sungshin Women’s University is intending that Feldenkrais and Movement Intelligence will be an elective in the future years Masters curriculum.

Please reignite your passion of somatic inquiry and wellness by joining us in one of our upcoming events or a term of classes or private consults …Ruth turned 85 and I, 62. This is a lifestyle, lifetime embodiment. Come and join yourself and us. It’s about turning up today. Do it for yourself.

2016 Events:

Jennifer Groves - Australian National Director, Snr M.I. trainer/Feldenkrais practitioner

  • Mullumbimby Douphraite House; 29th April to 1st May – A didactic and experiential introduction to the breadth of the M.I. Programs with Mindful Eating on Sat evening within a catered dinner.Brendan Healey psychotherapist will open discussion throughout of the theoretical concepts and the somatic philosophies and function that interweave through out the M.I. program.Enquiries: Jenny Groves

  • Canberra Walk For Life; September - DTBAEnquiries; Cassandra Morrow

  • Margaret River Bones For Life; October 14th - 16th this is the first component of a seven part series Enquiries; Marion McRae

  • Brisbane Bones For Life training -

  • 21st/22nd May

  • 23rd/24th July

  • 27th/28th August

  • 29th/30th October Enquiries; Emma Wilson

  • Ruthy Alon -Seoul; Solutions for Dysfunction Two; August 6th - 11th at Sungshin Women’s University: Enquiries: Jenny Groves

There are many BFL grandfathered teachers in Australia, however most have added this work into their practice or for self-use. It is timely NOW for you to take the plunge and teach BFL and help to spread this wonderful body of work. Ruthy at 85 is continuing to develop and teach her material and since the early 2000 Sydney and Perth workshops, the work has evolved expediently. You can purchase videos and books on line on Ruthy's website: Please see links below

The Foundation of Movement Intelligence is the North American M.I., site where you can find a wealth of information and updates. Overseas students, teachers and trainers can get a discounted registration price. Please see link Visit the Australian M.I. website for a slide show and explanations of the five M.I. programs and be sure to view the information found within the:

Photo Gallery - For viewing photo albums of trainings and adventures from around the globe. Media Gallery - For articles and news clippings about M.I. Video Gallery - For an array of interviews just double click for viewing a full Utube screen.

Read More - For further reading and downloading PDF’s just click on the green underlined.

Blog - On the homepage to access the files search through tabs at the bottom

Visit our Facebook group and its files section for more videos and discussion, ask to join and I will sign you in. Movement Intelligence Oz; Please see link

Our Philosophy "To consciously develop authenticity through physical and emotional intelligence, to gracefully move through life.”

Working towards:

Movement Intelligence has blossomed internationally and Ruthy’s next book is in the pipeline.

  • Ruthy’s dissertation, you can find in the gallery section of the Australian M.I. website (PDF section) - it is well worth a read. This document explains the developmental stages of the M.I. programs and its influences.

  • Facebook: Movement Intelligence Oz - A group open to all and provides wonderful connection for M.I., students – just ask to join and I will give you an invite.

  • BFL Learner Guides - Jenny has her third edition available, these are a handy aid for teachers and students and gives a brief simple outline of each process from the BFL teacher’s manual.

  • Chairs Learner Guides - Jenny has now completed the first edition.

  • Walk For Life Learner Guides Jenny has these in development.

  • Rangimarie Ferguson has been offered a scholarship through Community Training Australia in March to utilize Movement Intelligence strategies and support Cambodian orphans and their carers. Rangimarie will offer somatic strategies to alleviate trauma and its compounding effects.



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