Demystifying Osteoarthritis and it’s Billion Dollar Industry.

Kim wrote this article last year, and I thought it was too good not to share on this blog.
Written by: Kim Wise, 8th April, 2016.
Imagine if there were an obvious (yet elusive) and simple solution to osteoarthritis. That osteoarthritis is not a disease but more an end result or process of states of dis -ease of the whole being while doing. If we ever are to have an intimate awareness of our skeleton in the field of gravity osteoarthritis would become extinct would it not? How could that be so? If one bone knew intimately how to articulate well with another bone in all manners of movement in the field of gravity; we would have a very healthy joint would we not? Each bone proximally, articulates with two bones therefore two joints are involved on many of those bones. Whereas distally, like the last bone of the toes and fingers, as well skull only articulate with one other bone. How do we as humans begin to take responsibility in learning how our bones relate to each other in movement so that we have healthy joints? If it were your car and you needed a wheel alignment, but ignored that and just kept buying new tyres would you not be the fool as are the those who do not know what they are doing when they move their bones. Our nervous system is our wheel aligners. It is all about what we have learnt in life. Now that sounds complex. Histologically each cell is reactive to the environment that surrounds it just as we are in life. A cartilage cell for example likes congruent movement and the right pH and O2 supply in the joint matrix – especially the stem cells of cartilage that live in the subchondral bone. The stem cells in fact keep the cartilage alive and healthy. Congruent movement here would imply that the bones that make the joint know exactly where they are, at many levels of awareness of movement within the field of gravity. It is the muscles that move the bones, but it is the connectivity of the whole nervous system that orchestrates the whole that creates our unique selves when we tell our muscles what to do, mostly unconsciously and habitually. Changing how we move, changes ourselves and can simply reverse osteoarthritis and prevent it as well. It is true. Awareness is the magic bullet that few understand in the limited mode of thought governed by the western medical model costing health care so many unnecessary billions. Besides the horrible reminder of all the pain and dysfunction people suffer unnecessarily from osteoarthritis. “Bones are the metamorphosis of our thinking.” Dr Moshe Feldenkrais Joints are a painful reminder Moshe.